I think I'm out of it. The hibernation, that is. Ah, feels good. Is that sunshine - actual sunshine - I see?
Seriously, it was New Years...and now it's friggen APRIL?!?
First off, is it just me (I know it's not) but that was the LONGEST winter I can remember. Ever. It was never-ending.
Spent most of it, I think, sleepwalking and dreaming about being in a bikini on a beach....there may have been a couple trips somewhere. Yes, there must have been because I spent 55 minutes the other night taking tiny braids with beads out of my daughter's hair.
I feel like I'm now calling on a friend who I haven't spoken to in months. But in a good way. With the kind of friend that, even if you haven't spoken to in months and months, you can just take off where your last conversation ended.
So, here's the update in my life.
1) The Dictator is now four and a half. And the braids are out of her hair! It took me 3000 times as long to get them out as the woman in Mexico who braided them in in the first place.
2) Toddlers Gone Wild! is now out! Yay! So go to Amazon, or Chapters and order yours now!!
3) Planning a big bash for the book, a Toddlers Gone Wild party, which is all about toddlers. Will be a red carpet and everything...all for the toddlers!
4) My sister-in-law is about to pop. Seriously, any day now (Actually, last Wednesday) she will give birth to my second nephew.
My four-year old daughter now thinks she's pregnant, thanks to my bursting sister-in-law.
I'm like "Whoa! What did you just say?" when my four year old told me she was pregnant.
My daughter yesterday said to me, "Mommy, I need help to get up. You have to grab my hands! I have a baby in my stomach!"
I laughed, and then told her NOT TO TELL ANYONE ELSE THAT! (I don't want her teachers to be like, "Um, let's take your daughter to a therapist. She thinks she has a baby in her stomach. C-r-a-z-y!")
This morning she told me, "The baby is kicking." I told her, "THAT'S OUR SECRET!!"
The only up-side to my four year-old thinking there's a baby in her stomach is that she's now drinking a lot of milk ("I need MORE milk. It's good for the BABY!" she'll say.)
Ah, lots of tales like that in Toddlers Gone Wild! I think you'll enjoy.
It's nice to be back....