Cover Girl...
I'm a cover girl.
My darling daughter, Rowan, and I are on the cover of Parents Canada magazine. You can buy this magazine at Chapters/Indigo. There's also a spread on the inside of us.
I've never been the type of mother to read parenting magazines. I'm not sure why. But this magazine is actually very good, and I'm not just saying that because I'm on the cover, I swear. I read the thing from cover to cover and actually learned quite a bit. (Also, the people working behind the scenes - the photographers, the makeup artist, the editor - were all super nice, which I think people should know.)
I just feel a little strange being on the cover, and not because the headline is "love her or hate her?" but because now whenever I say something to Rowan's Daddy or friends about some aspect I'm wondering about parenting, they'll respond, "You're on the cover of a parenting magazine!"
Which, apparently, means I should know how exactly to get rid of pink eye. Friggen never ending pink eye in my home. I've been to the doctor three times trying to get rid of my pink eye - and it keeps coming back. I'm at the point where I just wish I could rip my eyes out of their sockets.
There is only one thing worse than pink eye, which is being allergic to the drops they give you to get rid of pink eye, which happened to me. Oh, the pain!
But now I have to go to Montreal on Monday for a speech Monday evening at the Jewish Public Library (This September 15th - Please, if you're in the Montreal area, do come, do come, do come!) And I can't very well wear sunglasses at 7:30 in the evening. But it might happen. (I promise I won't touch you!)
Truly, I'm not a diva. I just don't want to infect you. Plus, my eye is so fugly right now.
So, yes, I may be on the cover of a parenting magazine, but if anyone has any home remedies for pink eye, please do tell. Or else, this gal will be at the walk-in clinic - again - this weekend.
Also, my teen book, Rotten Apple, is coming out next month. If you have any pre-teen daughters who love to read, and write for their school newspapers/blogs - do schools have newspapers? - please don't hesitate to e-mail me at and I'll do my very best to get them review copies....
I'm going to be a better blogger! I swear! I just have to go see if the red is still in my eye. Of course it is....