Another Year....
I envy people who don't make New Year's resolutions. At this time of year, I always ask people what their New Year's resolutions are.
I'm always amazed when people answer, "I don't make any." I think these people, for some reason, are just happier than me.
They don't make resolutions and, thus, can never let themselves down. I envy them.
I always make resolutions. Though, if you asked me what my resolutions were last year, I couldn't tell you. I could venture that they had something to do with eating healthy and keeping in shape.
I failed. I always fail.
But it will soon be a new year, and yet again I will make resolutions. I suggested to the fiance last night that we actually write them down and put them in a drawer so we can pull them out and remind ourselves what they were.
But it seems easier to blog about it. That way, it will be there, and whenever I feel like I'm failing, I can just re-read what my resolutions were. I'm sure this is the dumbest thing I'll ever do.
Like, January second when I'm eating french fries from Macdonald's watching re-runs of Grey's Anatomy, I'll be like, "What were my resolutions again?" And then you'll all say, "Duh. You just blogged about them. You said you were going to eat healthy and not watch so much television."
But, hey, it's worth a try. So here are my resolutions. Then you write to me about yours. That way, you can throw my resolutions back in my face, and I can throw yours back in yours. Aren't resolutions so much fun?
1) I am going to eat healthier. This is not to lose weight (Although, I'm always wanting to lose three to five pounds.) It's because I feel like shit every time I eat junk food, which is a lot. I am going to learn to love salads. And soup. Starting in January, I am no longer a burger and fries girl, I am a soup and salad girl.
2) I'm going to work out regularly. This, again, is not to lose weight (Although, I'm always wanting to lose three to five pounds.) This is because I feel better when I do work out and I sleep better. I'm not going to say I'm going to work out 7 days a week, because I know, from experience, this will never happen. But I think four days a week is reasonable and manageable.
3) I'm going to not take on so much. I swear to god, this has been the hardest thing for me since having The Dictator. And you know what? It does feel good to work a lot, but I don't want to work so much anymore. And when I take on too much, everything suffers. So I'm now going to do good work on a couple things, not mediocre work on a lot of things. If that makes sense. Because doing bad work makes me cranky.
4) I'm going to appreciate things. This is another thing I've failed at miserably. I get so caught up in everything that needs to be done, that I don't just sit back and enjoy life. So I'm gonna! I get so caught up in the negatives in my life, that I don't remember all the positives. So I'm gonna!
5) I'm going to send out, to a stranger, once a week a nice e-mail. This will be to an author I like, or a blogger, or someone who I think deserves to hear something nice. No one does this that much. I often read something and think, "Hey, I should send a nice e-mail to that person." But I never do. So I'm going to.
6) I'm going to get back into yoga. Because I love the mindset. I really do. And it makes me feel better.
7) I'm going to spend more time with The Dictator. Because I want to. And I want to always be in a good mood when I do. Which will be easier because of resolution number 3.
8) I'm going to be a better blogger. Not on my blog, but reading other people's blogs.
9) And I'm going to read more books. I love to read, but I'm so usually burnt by the end of the day, that I just watch shitty television. Of course I'll watch Grey's Anatomy. But reality television, good bye! (That will cut down about 18 hours a week.)
10) I think I've managed to get rid of all the toxic people in my life. So this year, now that that's finally accomplished, I'm not going to let anyone in who may be toxic. I'm now at an age where I know who is good for me and who is not. And I'm not going to feel guilty about it.
So, there you have it. Basically, I guess it comes down to less work, more play, appreciating life and spending time with people I enjoy and my family, and overall being a happier person.
Happy New Years all! See you in the New Year. I'll be the one slurping soup and munching on lettuce.
(I am so going to regret this...)